Letter from
"Thank You Dynasty Team for truly being the 'Homeowner's Advocate'!
We are Elated over the workmanship of the installation of our New Roof! Excellent Overall Experience!" -- Oliver & Valerie Ennis, 10/18/21 (5-Star Rating)

Dynasty Building Solutions
Dear DBS Family,
It brings great joy to my heart to get reviews from our consumers about us being the Homeowner's Advocate. When we are providing any of our consumers with a construct by-product, that is only 2% of the service we genuinely offer. Each step of the way, we are guiding our homeowners, clients, and consumers throughout the entirety of the project. We are communicating as the experts and informing them throughout the process, answering any questions they might have, and doing what is best for them. These are our top priorities.
Having customers refer to us as their Trusted Advocator tells me that we pay attention to the actual needs of their individual projects, and again, it is never about price or the actual product. It's about the level of care we provide along the way, as we guide them through - start to completion.
People do business with us because they like you, they trust you and they trust this company. Everyone is striving to earn that trust, and you guys work day and night to show your level of care. I appreciate all of what everyone does. This has always been my goal for Dynasty, not only with employees but, most importantly, our community - "Creating A Better Future, One Nail At A Time."
Sincerely the Founder,
Victor Lupis
Victor Lupis

Dynasty Building Solutions is on Nextdoor Neighbor
If you've ever had an opportunity to check out your community's Nextdoor Neighbor social media page - via app or website - you know it's not only a great way to connect with your neighbors but also a GREAT resource for finding approved vendors for home projects. Not only are your neighbors on Nextdoor giving their honest (for the most part) opinions, they are describing their first-hand experiences with these businesses.
Not sure if you've had the chance to utilize this handy tool yet, but if you have, you'll know that the sought-after commodity on Nextdoor, as far as businesses are concerned, is the coveted Recommendation. When someone likes you, they recommend you. Obviously, we want as many recommendations as we can get. Once that happens, we're in the running to become a Neighborhood Favorite which is sort of like a recognized seal of approval on Nextdoor.
Dynasty is currently a Neighborhood Favorite in Dover, FL, labeled as The Best Home & Garden business!
Some of you have already been active on Nextdoor, posting information about our services. Thank you for your participation! If you have not signed onto Nextdoor, I highly "recommend" you do. You will discover the most interesting things about your neighborhood and neighbors (trust me) but you will also get a chance to put in a good word about Dynasty. If you live in one of our service areas and are on Nextdoor, please keep an eye out for neighbors requesting a service we provide and send them a recommendation. This is how we can become The Best Home & Garden business in all 4 of our service areas. Now you know!!!

SET YOUR DVRs!!! Dynasty Building Solutions will be featured on the WFLA (News Channel 8) mid-morning program, Daytime, on Wednesday, November 17th at 10am with Dynasty CEO & Founder, Victor Lupis, detailing the before and after of a beautiful new specialty roof install at Ivy Lake Estates in Odessa.
The DBS segment will air at the start and end of the 10am program, focusing on Victor and homeowner, Jenn Bishof, as they are interviewed by host Maggie Rodriguez.
What makes DBS distinct and different from other roofers and contractors, along with the types of services we provide, what consumers should look for when hiring a roofer and the current hot product on the market will be articulated by industry professional, Victor Lupis. This will be followed by an interview with homeowner, Jenn Bishof, explaining why she chose DBS and the specialty roof she selected, the Mediterranean-inspired, Antica roof by Tilcor. With the look of Spanish Tile and the strength and durability of stone coated steel, this Tilcor roof gets the treatment it deserves as Jenn and Victor prepare the audience for a unique roof reveal guaranteed to incite consumer interest.
(Judging by the number of people who have already remarked on the beauty of the Bishof's new roof, including one contractor who stopped while driving by, as we were filming, to tell us how much he liked it, the audience reaction should be as anticipated.)
Daytime closes the show with the "after" portion of the DBS segment, showing off the Bishof's stunning new roof and getting Victor's expert descriptive walk-through of what it took to install this specialty roof, a rundown of the average roof install process and a list of the types of roofs DBS specializes in. Jenn Bishof ends the segment regaling her experience from the homeowner's perspective, including the first time she saw the fully finished product.
With the "before" segment already completed, previewed and highly approved (by us) we can't wait to see the "after" portion, along with the entire interview, on Wednesday, November 17th at 10am.
Don't miss it!!!

dbs events
'Tis the Season for Gratitude & Giving

Dynasty Building Solutions wants to give thanks for our wonderful customers by giving a $250 Dynasty Bucks discount on any roofing replacement installed in the Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota and Holiday metros. (Insurance claims coverage excluded.)
To qualify, just drop off or mail-in an item of food or a children's toy to any of the following Dynasty Building Solutions locations before December 12, 2021. Donations will benefit the Idlewild Baptist Church Holiday Food and Toy Drives.
Happy Holidays!
Service drop-off or mail-in addresses:
3914 Hwy 301 N. Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33169
1800 Pembrook Drive Suite 300
Orlando, FL 32810
7614 15th Street East
Sarasota, FL 34243
Here's a Holiday Bonus DID YOU KNOW
People Who Rely on Food Banks Rarely Voice Their Wants & Needs
One Caring Soul Ventured To Ask
(My Facebook newsfeed is always full of caring, helpful information and advice from family and friends. The following was one of the most enlightening posts to date.)
In all the years I have donated food at the holidays, I bought what I thought needy people wanted, but I have never asked them. So, I recently spent some time at a Food Bank, speaking to the people getting food. Here is what I learned from those in need:
Everyone donates Kraft Mac & Cheese in the box but they can rarely use it because you must add milk and butter which is hard to get from regular food banks.
Boxed milk is a treasure, as kids need it for cereal which they also get a lot of.
Everyone donates pasta sauce and spaghetti noodles.
They cannot eat all of the awesome canned veggies and soup unless you also provide a can opener or buy cans with pop tops.
Oil (olive, vegetable, etc.) is a luxury and needed for Rice-A-Roni which they also get a lot of.
Spices - especially salt and pepper would be a real Christmas gift.
Tea bags and coffee really make them feel like someone cares.
Sugar and flour are treats.
They fawn over fresh produce donated by farmers and grocery stores.
Seeds are cool in the planting seasons because many know how to grow fruits and veggies from seed - especially here in Florida.
Tuna and crackers make a good lunch.
Hamburger helper goes nowhere without ground beef. (They rarely get fresh meat.)
They get lots of peanut butter and jelly but rarely sandwich bread.
Butter or margarine is nice too.
Eggs are a commodity.
Cake mix and frosting make it possible to make a child's birthday cake.
Dishwashing detergent is very expensive and always appreciated.
Everyone loves Stove Top Stuffing.
If you have decided to donate to our food drive and/or a food bank this holiday season but were not sure about what to donate...NOW YOU KNOW!
Please note: DBS is only collecting non-perishables for our food drive.
Let's share the wonderful bounty we've been blessed with.
Thanks so much for helping people in need this holiday season!

let's celebrate!
Happy Belated
4th - Yosvany Castillo
20th - Juan Itzep
23rd - Edwin Gonzalez 25th - Elder Xo Sacul
26th - Julie Muirhead
28th - Jose Portillo
30th - Michael Gibson

3rd- William Schroyer
9th - Mario Dircio
25th - Christopher Calcagno