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Dynasty Building Solutions has been helping homeowners and businesses in Florida since 2014. With our four office locations, we are the top choice for residential and commercial roofing. In addition, we do renovations and remodeling, and water mitigation services. We focus on our core values – integrity, spiritual not secular, perseverance, open mindedness, & focusing on relationships. This is what sets us apart and makes us the best choice for our customer's construction needs.

Dynasty Building Solutions' team of hard-working, loyal, and dedicated team players make it possible for us to provide our customers with the highest quality services. With an emphasis on customer satisfaction and an unsurpassed commitment to excellence, theycan trust that all of their construction needs are in good hands.


Welcome To The DBS Newsletter!

Owner Message

- Message from the Owner -


Embracing Opportunities and Growth

Dear Dynasty Building Solutions Team,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and filled with the same energy and enthusiasm that have propelled us through the past months. September may have been the month without a newsletter, but it wasn't without its reasons. We've been busy, and that's an understatement!

**September Recap: A Month of Million-Dollar Deals**

The reason for our missing September newsletter? We were all heads down, hard at work, writing million-dollar deals. The sheer volume of opportunities that came our way was astonishing, and our dedicated team was focused on seizing them. While it's not every day that you can say your company was too busy for a newsletter, it's a testament to our collective efforts and the trust our clients have in us.

**October: Embracing Hurricane Season and More**

Now, as October arrives, we find ourselves entering the height of hurricane season. While we hope for the safety and well-being of everyone in the affected areas, it's undeniable that this season brings opportunities for us as well. Our expertise in restoration and construction positions us to provide critical assistance when natural disasters strike.

Even without the prospect of another storm, Dynasty Building Solutions holds massive potential. Our sales team has been hard at work, and our Senior Project Coordinator, Skyler Roberts, recently secured a remarkable 1.1 million dollar contract. This is just the tip of the iceberg; successful completion of this project will open doors to millions of dollars worth of similar projects.

**Project Efficiency: A 60-Day Challenge**

As we embark on this new venture, we set an ambitious goal for ourselves. We aim to complete this project within 60 days, far surpassing the industry standard of four months. Our commitment to excellence and efficiency is what sets us apart, and we are determined to showcase our capabilities once again.

**Growing Stronger: Welcome New Team Members**

Our Dynasty family continues to grow stronger. We've recently welcomed a group of new hires who have been diligently completing their training and are now ready to step into more sales and project management roles. This expansion of our team positions us for even greater success as we move forward.

In summary, we may have skipped a month of newsletters, but it was for a good reason - we were out there making things happen, securing million-dollar opportunities, and preparing for even greater achievements. The momentum is on our side, and we're looking healthier and more vibrant than ever.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, we are building a future filled with prosperity and success.

Wishing you all a fantastic October!

Warm regards,

Victor Lupis

Victor Lupis, Owner/CEO




The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness


Dynasty Definition: The act of being honest and carrying your values out even 

when no none is watching



Spiritual: Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things

 Secular: Denoting attitudes, activates, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis


Dynasty Definition: The act of listening to your inner self (conscious)

Everyone is entitled to their own freedom of religion, 

but Dynasty believes in  GOD; Good Orderly Direction




Persistence in doing something despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success


Dynasty Definition: Even when we fail, we get back up and learn from our failure

 We press on no matter what, with dignity and poise




Is the willingness to try new things or to hear and consider new ideas


Dynasty Definition: Always listen to the constructive criticism even when it is coming from 

the person that you may not want to hear it from- Key word is LISTEN




The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected,

 or the state of being connected


Dynasty Definition: Building each other up, learning from one another and always looking at

 your co-workers as team members, and our clients as family

DBS All-Star Spotlight

Conrad- Estimator

Hello, my name is Conrad. I am 28 and the 5th Conrad in my family. I grew up in a small town in Indiana and have been living in Florida for almost 10 years now. I enjoy cars and firearms as hobbies. 

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My name is Randi Scully. I have been married for 26 years. I have five children and four beautiful grandchildren. I have been a stay at home Mom for many years. I am super excited to be out the house and applying myself in the work place again. I am looking forward to my future at Dynasty Building Solutions.




Hi im Trevor. I was born and raised here in Florida. Over 15 years experience in construction and received my AA in business management. competitive with what I do and take pride in my work. 



Hello, my name is Austin. I was born and raised in America's Heartland known as Iowa. A few of my favorite pastimes and hobbies are traveling, athletics, martial arts, and an unhealthy dosage of reading history. My usual post work day activities involve weight lifting, comedy clubs, or whatever gives me substance to tell a story. I look forward to working with you all! 



With over 20 years of experience in project development and management in the energy efficiency and construction fields, Rory has the ability to connect technical, financial, and practical solutions to home and business owners with confidence and success.


Father of two, who enjoys spending time at the ice rink, canoeing and most outdoor Florida activities with his children. Everyday we have a chance to become a better version of who we were yesterday!


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Hi, I'm Desi. I just moved to Florida from a small town in Massachusetts. My favorite color is pink and I enjoy the beach :)



Hi my name is Brad Taylor. I have 25 years experience in surface cleaning, restoration, and maintenance. I love to help clients, piers, and prospects alike. I studied chemical engineering and played basketball at the University of Cincinnati. It is my intention to be a friend and advocate for any and all our clients, here at Dynasty Building  Solutions. 


"There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth."


-Charles Dickens-

Golf club and ball

Golfing for Victory

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We were a Silver Sponsor for this event, and had the opportunity for our team to participate in the event as well! A great time was had by all involved!

Golf Field

-Did You Know?-

1. Once upon a time

Believe it or not, the birthplace of Halloween is not a sugar factory: The holiday has been around for about 6000 years and it is believed to have originated around 4000 B.C. in Ireland.

2. Dead or alive

Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival of “Samhain” – the celebration of the end of harvest season. Back then, the Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead got a little blurry and the dead would come back to life and wreak havoc among the living. One way to scare the dead? Wear costumes and masks.

3. Ka-Ching!

Right behind Christmas, Halloween is the second most commercial holiday in the US: Americans spend about $6.9 billion on Halloween – most of it for candy, costumes and parties. A surprisingly big chunk is also invested in Halloween costumes for pets.

4. What does the Titanic have to do with it?

Out of the $6.9 billion spent annually in the US alone, $2.08 billion are spent on Halloween candy. How many sweet treats can you buy with that money? Roughly 600 million pounds – which equals about 6 Titanic ships.

5. Candy breakdown

The average American eats about 3.4 pounds of Halloween candy – the weight of a small chihuahua in a Halloween costume!

6. Let’s talk about sugar

Trick-or-treating, aka dressing up and asking the neighbors for candy, can be a deliciously successful endeavor: Kids consume about 7000 calories on Halloween. (You would have to eat 66 bananas to reach 7000 calories.)

7. Boo!

Are you afraid of Halloween? Then you might suffer from Samhainophobia – the fear of Halloween.

8. Which witch?

Try wearing your clothes inside out and walk backwards on Halloween. According to traditions, this will make sure you see a witch at midnight.

9. A big ol’ pumpkin

The world’s heaviest pumpkin grew in a Swiss garden: It weighted 2,096 pounds – as much as a small car.

10. Jack O’Lanterns

Pumpkins and Halloween go together like candy and Halloween: Carving pumpkins on Halloween is not only fun, it’s also believed to scare away evil spirits, so carve away!

11. Follow the rules

Trick-or-treating is really only for kids: Some cities in the US have even gone as far as banning kids over the age of 12 from trick-or-treating. In some places, teenagers who cheat and trick-or-treat can face a fine up to $1000. (7,000 calories worth of candy is surely not worth the fine!)

12. Itsy bitsy spider

Don’t be scared if you see a spider on Halloween: This is believed to be the spirit of a deceased loved one who is watching over you.

13. You (probably) spelled it wrong all along

And yes, we did too. The correct spelling of Halloween is actually Hallowe’en.


Colorful Birthday Party

Birthdays & Anniversaries

                  Birthdays                                    Courtney      10/7

         Heide           10/7

         Austin           10/9


        Belatated from September                           

           Victor H        9/1

           Eric              9/7

           Victor L        9/21

           Jim              9/28                                                       


         Yosvany        10/19      3 Years

         Heidi             10/19     1 Year

         Samantha    10/31      1 Year





          Jim H  9/13        (2 years)



Super Stars!

There were No 5 Star Reviews for the Month of September.

Let's change that!!

The First person to bring in a 5 STAR Review that has their name mentioned will get a $100 bonus added to their paycheck.

The Second person to bring in a 5 STAR Review that has their name mentioned will get a $50 bonus added to their paycheck.

*This is for the month of October Only*



No New Events for the Month of October





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