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Hey DBS Team! We are so glad you are here!

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Welcome To The DBS Newsletter!

Owner Message

New Beginnings.


DBS Family,

As we approach the Easter season, I am reminded of the significance of this particular time in the Christian faith. Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the ultimate victory over death, achieved through His sacrifice on the cross. This event is a symbol of hope and new beginnings for all humanity. 


Jesus’ resurrection was not just a physical event but a spiritual one as well. Jesus created a new beginning for all people through His sacrifice and resurrection. This new beginning allows us to reconcile with God and start anew in our spiritual journey. This season is a time of reflection, gratitude, and renewal. 


As I thought about this idea of a new beginning, I was reminded of the importance of new beginnings in our daily lives. As a company, we constantly evolve, and new challenges and opportunities come with that. Like Jesus’ resurrection, this is an opportunity to start fresh, rethink our approach, and create new beginnings for Dynasty Building Solutions. 


Just as Easter represents a time of renewal and hope, our new branding and initiatives can represent the same for Dynasty. We can reevaluate our goals, set new objectives, and chart a new course as we move forward. It is a time to reflect on our successes and challenges and to use those experiences to inform our decisions moving forward. 


As we celebrate Easter, let us take a moment to reflect on the new beginning that Jesus created for us. Let us use this time to renew our faith and reaffirm our commitment to our spiritual and professional journeys. As we move forward as Dynasty Building Solutions, let us remember that new beginnings are always possible and that they offer us the opportunity to grow, evolve and succeed.



Victor Lupis

Victor Lupis, Owner/CEO


DBS All-Star Spotlight

Patricia Rynkowski, Tampa Administration

Hey team! I am Pat Rynkowski, better known as Patty around the office. I’ve been married for 33 years, and I have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. My personal goal this year is to help plan my daughter’s wedding and to spend more fun time with my family. I’ve been an admin in the Prospect Dept of Dynasty since June 2022. Before joining Dynasty, I had no knowledge of the roofing or contracting business but I love that I am able to learn more each day. I enjoy making people laugh and I try my best to bring some fun and levity back to the office each day. I have been organizing pot luck gatherings each month in hopes to bring the team together for good food, time away from their desks, and most importantly, a little laughter. My professional goal this year at Dynasty is learn how all the departments work so I can find the department in which I will excel the most. I plan on attending some of the Saturday training classes to gain more knowledge to help achieve my goal. 

Colorful Birthday Party

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays                                                        Anniversaries

Charlie 4/6                                                      Kelly 4/26 (2 yrs)

Josh 4/7

Arlet 4/12

Garrett 4/14 

Jamison 4/15                                                   

Skyler 4/22

Kassie 4/22

Patricia 4/25

Johnny 4/26


Who Will Lead The Team In April?

Can anyone catch up to Skyler?



Tampa Spring Fling
Wednesday, April 19th
Appetizers, Desserts, Beverages

Reach out to Patricia at to sign up!

What Is Easter?

Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, after His crucifixion 3 days prior. 

On a non-religious note, Easter has many traditions and fun activities that have nothing to do with the celebration of Jesus Christ.

The Easter Bunny was introduced to America by German immigrants in the 13th century from a story on a egg-laying hare (or bunny).

Painting of Easter Eggs stemmed off of a similar tradition, where eggs are ancient symbols of new life. Eggs were formerly a forbidden lent season food, so people chose to paint the eggs and eat them on Easter as a celebration. 
Easter Eggs on Hay





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