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Hey DBS Team! We are so glad you are here!

We are super excited about this revamped newsletter & we hope you are too. 

Please take a moment to fill out the feedback form at the end of the newsletter! Let us know what you want to see featured and keep us updated with all of your personal and professional accomplishments! 

Welcome To The New DBS Newsletter!

Owner Message

G.R.I.T. (Guts, Resilience, Initiative, Tenacity)


DBS Family,


As we enter into the month of March, we gear up for spring by turning the clocks forward, celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and we are reminded of the excitement and energy that comes with March Madness. It’s a time when athletes push themselves to their limits, never giving up, and demonstrating a level of grit and perseverance that inspires us all. 


In the same way, I want to encourage each and every one of you to embrace this same level of determination and tenacity in your work. You’re all capable of achieving greatness and growing through every season. This starts with believing in yourself and this company by pushing yourself to go above and beyond. 


I know the past couple of seasons have been challenging for all of us, and it is easy to become discouraged or overwhelmed. Remember, it is in times like these that that we find our inner strengths to overcome each obstacle to achieve our personal and professional goals. We may face setbacks, but we must not give up. We must learn from our mistakes and strive for excellence. 


Team, I challenge you to bring your best game to the table. Push yourselves this March, set ambitious goals and work tirelessly to accomplish them. Whether it is hitting a sales goal, or completing all tasks before a due date, I believe in each one of you and know that you have the grit and perseverance to succeed in all you put your mind to. 


Let’s use the energy of March Madness as an inspiration to push ourselves to new heights. Together, let’s make this a month of achievements, progress and personal growth. 



Victor Lupis

Victor Lupis, Owner/CEO



Jamison Berg

Jamison has recently been promoted from Lead Generation to Restoration Specialist! In order to graduate, Jamison was required to do at least 5 contracts 4 weeks in a row or 10 contracts 2 weeks in a row. Jamison has consistently been going over and above to drive business. 

Congratulations Jamison! We are excited to watch you continue to grow in your new position. 


The History of DBS 

Jessica Lynn's Story

Victor quickly realized that in order for Dynasty to begin to succeed and grow, he needed a strong asset to the team. After investing 30k into Dynasty, Victor realized he needed someone experienced like Jessica to organize his finances, credentials, important documents, accounting and payroll. 

With that, Jessica started with DBS part time in 2014 while still working another job, but began to believe in the future of Dynasty Building Solutions which led her to join the family full time. 

Jessica's vision always has been for growth, for the individuals that have worked and will work for Dynasty while uphold Victor's entrepreneurial vision for the company. 

The thing that is often overlooked is Jessica's attitude and perseverance. She had to persevere from the very beginning through the trials and errors of an ambitious, young, and inexperienced business owner who was trying to figure out the future of DBS and striving to make it happen. 

Dynasty began to take off relatively fast and had become extremely successful. As many know, Jessica once again had to persevere during the past couple of years through times of financial crisis and declines in previous progression.


Jessica devoted herself to the success of this company over the years, and though she often does not get enough recognition, she deserves every bit of it. 

Jessica has the G.R.I.T. that Dynasty Building Solutions was and still is founded on, and DBS would not be where it is today without her sweat equity, dedication, perseverance and confidence in the mission and vision of this company. 

DBS All-Star Spotlight

Skyler Roberts, Tampa Senior Project Coordinator

My name is Skyler Roberts and I’m a Senior Project Coordinator for Dynasty Building Solutions. My goals with Dynasty are to become a manager for the commercial division and help others achieve their goals. My hobbies include fitness, traveling with my girlfriend, and video games! 


Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays                                                        Anniversaries

Mike Dedo  3/26                                             Joe Hanrahan 3/16

Russell Hewitt  3/13                                        Parker Scully 3/25

Ed Huertas 3/17                                             

Seth Defonso  3/11

James Smereczynsky  3/27


Who Will Lead The Team In March?

Shoutout to Bobby for keeping the lead thus far. Watch out, Skyler is catching up real quick!


Patricia is hosting a Tampa Potluck for St. Patrick's Day. Please email her at to sign up to bring food or drinks, or if you have any questions!

What Is St. Patrick's Day?

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated every year on March 17th. This date was chosen as it is the anniversary of his death in the 5th century. This religious holiday is celebrated by the Irish for over 1,000 years. On St. Patrick's Day, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning, and go out to celebrate in the afternoon. Irish would dance, feast and drink to celebrate. 

Fun Facts:

The first St. Patrick's Day celebration parade was held in a Spanish colony in St. Augustine, Florida. 

Since 1962, every year on St. Patrick's Day the Chicago River is dyed green for a week with 40 pounds of dye.


Happy Homeowner

Thank you Johnny & Mr. Horn

This homeowner is so ecstatic about working with Johnny and is 100% satisfied with Dynasty. He even wanted to show you all how happy he is! Thank you Mr. Horn for being so eager to give Johnny & DBS the recognition they deserve!






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