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Hey DBS Team! We are so glad you are here!

We are super excited about this revamped newsletter & we hope you are too. 

Please take a moment to fill out the feedback form at the end of the newsletter! Let us know what you want to see featured and keep us updated with all of your personal and professional accomplishments! 

Welcome To The New DBS Newsletter!

Owner Message

DBS Team,


I want to thank each of you for a solid start to our 2023 season. The executive team and I have been continuously impressed by the level of intentionality and purpose that you all bring to every task and project that you undertake. I want to recognize the upcoming completion of several major Ft. Myers restoration projects. Your hard work, dedication to quality, and attention to detail have continuously been noticed, and I am proud to say that our homeowners are thrilled with the results. The results we have achieved together are a testament to the incredible work ethic, customer service, and team spirit that exists within our organization. Each of your efforts has significantly impacted the success of these projects. Let us continue to strive for excellence and to bring joy to each homeowner. 


The level of proactivity and awareness that you all display is truly remarkable. It is clear that you are not just completing your tasks for the sake of completing them but that you are genuinely invested in our company's success and the impact we make on our homeowners. This level of commitment and attention to detail sets us apart from our competitors and allows us to achieve great things as a team. I am incredibly grateful to have such a talented and dedicated team behind me. 


I want to remind you that your efforts are noticed and highly appreciated. I encourage you to continue to approach your work with this level of intentionality and purpose. As we look ahead, I am confident that we will continue to achieve great things with your continued hard work and commitment. I am excited to see what the future holds for our company. 



Victor Lupis

Victor Lupis, Owner/CEO


Meet the Team

We are so excited to introduce you to all of our newest assets! Please make sure to welcome them with open arms. We are looking forward to seeing everything they will do personally, and through the company!

The History of DBS 

How did Ed & Victor meet?

After Victor was released from prison in 2013 and given the opportunity in 2014 to re-start his journey on probation, it was just a matter of time before Dynasty Building Solutions was born. Victor had previously worked for a construction company that he left due to unethical practices, and initial thought of being required to serve another 5 years in federal prison. Through scripture and prayer, Victor felt led to Florida where he settled down in order to begin fulfilling God’s plan for his life. 


Victor always had a passion for mentoring people and helping them become successful morally, spiritually, and financially. Because of Victor’s circumstances he did not have a legal record of being licensed, nor experienced enough to open a business. This left him with a need to find someone to legally qualify the business. After multiple prospects falling through, he was connected with Edwin Huertas as a potential business partner. Edwin was in the process of dissolving his own company and moving towards retiring when Victor pitched the idea to join the team and develop a multi-million dollar company, all the while doing God’s work. During the initial conversation, Victor began to share his testimony and backstory with Edwin. The conversation became filled with prayer as they connected and allowed the Holy Spirit to fill their minds and hearts. After the intital conversation, Edwin and Victor met at a local Tampa Starbucks to work through the details of this master business plan vision, where they shared the same passion for doing God’s work.  During this conversation, Victor was informed that Edwin was a deacon for many years and attended Idlewild Baptist Church, coincedentally the same church that Victor was attending. The immediate connection that they had shared is a testimony to what God can do through one’s life by following his path of direction. 2 separate worlds meeting for 1 vision to glorify God through every season.  Through every season of DBS, Edwin and Victor have relied on their shared faith and vision, ensuring that serving others and God’s will are at the upmost importance.  


Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays                                                        Anniversaries

Charles Schroyer  2/12                                  Jim Harris 2/4 (3 years)

Patrick Scully  2/15                                        Austin Hayes 2/15 (1 year)

Ryder 2/11 (1 YEAR OLD)


Who Will Lead The Team In February?

Shoutout to Bobby & Skyler for leading the team this month! Watch out for the admins, they are coming in hot!


Tampa HQ is throwing a Valentine's Potluck on February 14th. Don't forget to sign up to bring some snacks, and swing by if you are in the area! Please reach out to Patricia for more information at

What Is Valentine's Day?

The Christian originated holiday, Saint Valentine's Day, was a feast day honoring an early Christian martyr named Saint Valentine. Over time, Valentine's Day was adapted and now symbolizes love and romance through many areas of the world. This holiday tends to be known for lots of flowers and red and pink heart shaped chocolates. 

While some couples love being able to share affection with a loved one, others find it very forced and avoid celebrating it at all costs.  

Are you team Valentine's Day or anti-Valentine's Day? 

Heart Confetti


"I had two estimators come to my home today Kyle and Charlie who were both professional and honest. They came on time and explained everything to me and my husband in great detail. We were so impressed with the work ethic that is very hard to find today. This company should give kuddos to these employees for such a great professional job and honesty."

Cindi H, Sarasota





© 2023 Dynasty Building Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

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